Hole New Ball Game - 12th Annual Foundation Golf Tournament

Hole New Ball Game 12th Annual Foundation Golf Tournament Okay it’s like this. You are standing on the first tee box. It’s just 420 yards to the green. Your aim is to hit a very small ball into a seemingly even smaller hole with weapons singularly ill-designed for the purpose. Okey doke you say with confidence. You swing and follow through with authority. You hear the satisfying whack and look yonder. But alas – your ball sits just inches away smiling up at you with its sassy dimples. “Next,” you say as you creep off the tee box, and thank goodness there is a next. This is the Langley School District Foundation 12 th Annual Golf Tournament and everyone knows that you are welcome, whether you score eagles, birdies, par, bogies or even snowmen. Here’s how it works. You arrive at Redwoods Golf Course at 10 am on the day of the tournament. You are quickly met by a couple of friendly giants. Armed with clip boards, they are facilitating your progres...