Making learning UNFORGETTABLE for every Langley student


With a mission to make learning UNFORGETTABLE for every Langley student, the Foundation’s dream is to ensure that all Langley students receive the maximum benefit of the education to which they are entitled.

There are kids who go through their educational careers without a hitch. The programs seem to be designed to cater to their brains, lifestyle and outside support. But there are also kids who for a variety of reasons do not benefit from their education. Their brains may be wired a little differently from the norm; they may be gifted or challenged, they may have skills and abilities that run contrary to standard educational programs; they may come to school hungry, tired or abused.

Thanks to the support from all sectors, including our community partners, volunteers, sponsors, donors, school district staff, parents and board of directors, the Foundation has been able to provide hundreds of new programs for Langley students, thereby fulfilling our mandate to initiate and support vital and innovative programs that are not funded by the Ministry of Education.

Foundation Initiatives
Funny Farm: Located in Langley, the Funny Farm has been built and developed as a unique outdoor learning environment. This is where students come to learn about growing their own food and the whole art of beekeeping. They interact with rescued farm animals, including goats, pigs, donkeys, horses, hens and sheep. All students benefit, especially those with special needs, those struggling within a regimented school curriculum and those who find themselves in dangerous and at-risk circumstances. Some of their stories are heart-breaking. Read about them in the Summer edition of Student Success Magazine.
Food For Thought Program

What is the biggest hindrance to student learning. Is it boredom, disengagement, ADHD or lack of interest. It’s none of the above. It’s hunger. And when 3000 Langley students come to school hungry every day, their learning is compromised. But when they receive a healthy breakfast, snacks throughout the day, lunch and even backpacks filled with food to take home every Friday to their families, the improvements in their attention, engagement and behavior results are astonishing. Check out video
Youth Homeless Initiative
Case One
Your parents have had it with you and you’ve had it with them.
“I’m gone forever”, you scream, as you slam the door and march out onto the street feeling strong and empowered. But with each forceful step the cold air seeps into your bones. Your shoes slosh with slush, the night is suddenly dark and the slick, slimy streets loom ahead leading nowhere. The loneliness is intense and within just a few hours, you are hyperventilating. The thing you want most in the world is to be warm and cozy wrapped up in a blanket next to your little sister with your parents nearby. But you are 16 and you think that your parents don’t care. “I wish I had somewhere to go,” you scream in desolation. “I wish I had someone to talk to!”
 Case Two
You are 15. Your mum is your best friend. It’s been you and your mum against the world ever since you were born, UNTIL one day a guy comes on the scene. You hate him. He hates you. You are miserable and in your eyes your mum has betrayed you. She starts going away with him and leaving you behind to fend for yourself. Your house is now cold, dark and empty. You are alone with no one to turn to and nowhere to go.
Case Three
You are 17. You have grown up in a loving household with pious parents who seemed caring and supportive right up until the day you told them that you were gay. The two people in the world who had nurtured you for 17 years, suddenly decide that unless you change, you are no longer their child. You know that was impossible, so you found yourself on the street – alone, confused and scared.

There has never been anywhere for our youth to go until now. Thanks to the Langley School District Youth Task Force consisting of a group of dedicated students led by two incredible teachers – Lara Petrie and Lenny Yen, in collaboration with Encompass Support Services, Langley School District Foundation and Langley School District, as well as huge support from the Township of Langley and the Ministry of Housing, the Youth Housing Resource is NOW a reality and will be built and operational in July, 2017. Homeless youth can now find a safe and friendly haven. Not only are there cozy rooms to spend the night or week or month, but there are people there who can help – counsellors, doctors, volunteers and other kids who you can talk to without feeling ashamed.

Stay tuned for more inspirational stories.


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